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Only Letters and numbers, no accents. Your login will be public and can't be changed don't pick something stupid if you don't want to get hacked
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A Fun PvP Private Server

Distilling the essence of World of Warcraft PvP so everyone can feel it's intoxication

MiniWoW is an attempt to make WoW PvP more accessible without loosing the fun of it.

Only 9 spells

Limiting the amount of available spells and basing the play style off old school twink PvP will force players to make the most out of the tools they get.

Choice of build

At the begining, we will focus the play tests on a single build per classes, but we plan to allow players to freely switch what spells they uses.
This should give depth and allow players to innovate uppon the stale meta of warth of the lich king while keep using the beloved spells of this era.

3.3.5 | PvP only | Instant

Learn more: Working Draft Sheet

Everything is open-source.
You are welcome to use any code or contribute on the github repository.